Compost replaces chemical fertilisers on South Otago dairy farm

  Added 2 months ago

  By Hawke's Bay Future Farming Trust

Compost replaces chemical fertilisers on South Otago dairy farm

Regenerative agriculture suits Mark Anderson down to the ground.

He is focussed on putting as much life and diversity back into the land as possible, and says the benefits to the entire farm, and his own well-being, are evident.

"The landscape is generally a mirror image of the farmer. If it's healthy, then the farmer's healthy and it's the same for the animals," he says.

Mark Anderson checks on a mob of cows Photo: Cosmo Kentish-Barnes

Regenerative agriculture suits Mark Anderson down to the ground.

He is focussed on putting as much life and diversity back into the land as possible, and says the benefits to the entire farm, and his own well-being, are evident.

"The landscape is generally a mirror image of the farmer. If it's healthy, then the farmer's healthy and it's the same for the animals," he says.

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