The Trust Deed provides for up to nine trustees serving three-year terms, including one Trustee appointed by the HB Regional Council (so long as HBRC is a significant funder). Trustees appoint the other members.

Phillip Schofield
Phil is a rural professional (B Ag Sci, PhD) passionate about working with growers and farmers in Hawkes Bay, helping them improve soil function and hence profit. He provides farmers with production systems that improve farm performance and profitability in the face of increasing compliance and regulation. If not on farms with clients you will find Phil on his own Napier block or on the ocean chasing big fish.

Andrew Russell
Currently farming sheep and beef on Tunanui Station with Kieran Wills. Situated in the Sherenden District on Taihape Road, I have lived here all my entire life aside from a couple of breaks for education and overseas travel. I am married to Pip and have two children, Arthur & Georgia. My continuing involvement in the community includes being a former Pukehamoamoa school board member, serving as a Rural Fire Officer for the past 30 years and I am an active member of the Sherenden Hall committee. I am also a part of the Hawkes Bay Federated Farmers executive team. I was also formerly on a Charitable Trust for 19 years, 5 of which being the Vice Chairman. The Russell family has farmed Tunanui since 1860, hence the passion I have for the land between the two rivers. Having farmed this land through various weather events, people coming and going from the community and multiple law…changes, I believe I have a great understanding for the land and needs of the community.

Scott Lawson
Scott Lawson is currently one of the largest producers of certified organic berry fruit and vegetables in New Zealand. Pioneers in the field, True Earth became certified organic in 1994. Scott has been involved in many off-farm, farming groups. He is currently the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay Vegetable Growers, and has been in the past on the LandWISE and Bio Gro boards.

Willie White
Willie completed a B.Com (Ag) at Lincoln University and after a stint overseas was in rural banking for 8 years in the Waikato and lower north island. He now manages the 1100 cow family dairy operation, which has been transitioning to a regenerative organic system since 2019. Living on the farm with wife Michelle and three young children, Willie has a keen interest in the Ashley Clinton community, having been involved in the establishment of the Tukipo Catchment Care Group, the Sherwood Cricket Club (with its home ground located on the dairy farm) and sits on the Sherwood School Board of Trustees. He completed the 2020 Fonterra Governance Development Programme.

Tania Kerr
Tania with her husband Andrew farm a 436ha sheep and beef property on Glengarry Road. They recently fenced, planted and protected a 20ha native block. For the last 21 years Tania has served her rural community as an elected member, and currently is Deputy Mayor of Hastings District. Tania holds several other roles within the community and brings a strong governance focus to the Trust.

Xan Harding
Xan is a Bridge Pa grape-grower (conventional and organic) & first-term HBRC Councillor, with a background in farmer catchment groups, regional water issues and finance. He is passionate about helping the primary sector to respond to climate change, whilst remaining profitable, building resilience and being an industry of choice.

Di Roadly
As the Regional Council representative and elected member for Wairoa, I bring over three decades of farming experience in the Ruakituri, driven by a commitment to environmental sustainability and empowering farmers. My mission is to support our agricultural community as active stewards of the land, ensuring its health for future generations. I believe in a multifaceted approach to environmental outcomes, with our people as agents of change and our soil as a vital tool for progress. With a background in education and event management, I am a proud farmer and serve as a member of the Beef + Lamb NZ Farmer Council, MPI Community Hub Facilitator, Coordinator of the Guardians of the Ruakituri Catchment Group, Environmental Commissioner and Hawke’s Bay Regional Councillor for Wairoa.