Latest News & EventsRead through some of the latest news and events from Hawke's Bay Future Farming. Unlocking the Potential of Regenerative Agriculture New 10 Ways the New Zealand Government is Advancing Sustainable Farming New Family-Owned Farm Embraces Regenerative Agriculture to Grow and Educate Illycaffè How Robotic Milking Transformed an Upland Dairy Farm Eating for the Planet - How Some Foods Can Help Reverse Climate Change The Big Muster - Tukituki Land Care What Does 'Regenerative' Mean? INCREASE NATURAL CAPITAL ON YOUR FARM Regenerative Agriculture vs. Factory Farming - A Climate Solution or a Pastoral Ideal? How food producers can build soil health even in dry areas - RNZ Nine to Noon NZ: Understanding the recovery process of soil Fonterra Farmers to Receive Financial Incentives for Climate Efforts Sustainability Update - Moving sustainability forward in 2025 125 Food and Agriculture Organizations to Watch in 2025 Turning the tide on water and nutrient management Sunflower Farms in Hawke's Bay - A Symbol of Resilience Post-Cyclone Gabrielle Native Planting Workshop Diversified Cropping Systems Enhance Nitrogen Supply but Fail to Boost Soil Carbon, Study Finds Top 7 Must-See Agricultural Shows & Events in New Zealand for 2025 SURFING FOR FARMERS - WAIMARAMA - WAITANGI DAY A natural farming method used in Korea is being adopted in this Golden Bay Farm New Farm Cadet Training Facility to Open in Hawke's Bay Purina advances partnerships for regenerative agriculture Top 5 Agritech Startups in New Zealand to Watch In 2025 Regenuary- What Is It and How Can It Benefit Farmers? The East Coast Farming Expo for Sheep and Beef Farmers on the East Coast From Shearing In Wales To Innovating In Hawke's Bay - Stu Davies' Agricultural Journey Optimising life with Rachel and Greg Hart - Quorum Sense Podcast Breakfast webinar: Soil Microbes - why are these important to farmers? With Prof Linda Kinkel Brewing a Sustainable Future: The Story Behind Carlsberg's First Regenerative Beer Small Farmers and Regenerative Agriculture: The Key to Sustainable Development Future-proofing the New Zealand wool industry Reflecting on Regenerative Agriculture on World Soil Day Natural Farming Success at Golden Bay's Rockhaven Farm Regenerating Soil Health through Organic Farming: Park Farming Organics’ Story Align Farms Regen Chat Tukituki Land Care to Visit Farmers Across 17 Sub-Catchments New Zealand and Irish Governments partner to support farming through research - press release Tukituki Land Care - Engaging CHB Students with Local Land and Water As seen on Quorum Sense - #46 - From rural banking to organic dairy farming with Willie White WILLIE WHITE: ORGANIC DAIRY FARMER: THE RECORD MILK PAYOUT TO ORGANIC FARMERS: IS THERE GROWING DEMAND FOR ORGANIC DAIRY PRODUCTS? Cover crops! Building a Sustainable Future Through Soil Health and Regenerative Agriculture Carbon Positive Trial Update - October 2024 Organic Hawkes Bay Blueberries an example of both intensive and sustainable production New Zealand’s First Earthworm eDNA Soil Test - A Breakthrough in Agricultural Applications Did you know that one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from food production? New Zealand Agriculture & Climate Change Conference 2024 POPLAR SILVOPASTORALISM - OVERTIME FOR A NEW APPROACH What’s regenerative agriculture and what are its market prospects? New Zealand Farmers Embrace Advanced Cattle Handling Equipment for Safer, More Efficient Operations New Ahuriri Tributaries Catchment Group focuses on flood resilience New Zealand Chardonnay - A Small but Growing Force in Global Wine Exports Drones now capable of counting stock Hawke's Bay Future Farming Trust’s Flagship Event Sets the Stage for Future Success Carbon Positive Project Update Spring 2024 Tukituki Land Care - Science-Driven Catchment Planning in Motion The way to get better soil and more food is to let weeds grow A resource between regulators and reality Building vineyard soil health Farmer workshops on soil health a great success Inquiry into Banks 'Colluding' to Prioritize Climate Goals Over Farmers Hawke’s Bay Companies Revolutionize Orchard Management with Advanced Scanning Technology What the heck is regenerative agriculture? The latest climate buzzword, explained Healthy soils... Healthy profits Soil health is about more than ground rules PepsiCo Drives Innovation in Regenerative Agriculture The Natural Choice for Pāmu Can intensive veggie farming heal the soil? Two years of investigation, visualised Transformational change at Tunanui Station Good Things Start on the Farm - High Peak Station: Pioneering Sustainability and Adventure AI-Powered Innovation Helps Farmers Combat Rising Drench Resistance in Livestock May Brothers Contracting - Tech-Driven Efficiency Soil Management In Hawkes Bay Catchments Workshop Controlling weeds without the chemicals Align Farms trial regenerative agriculture Compost replaces chemical fertilisers on South Otago dairy farm TLC - A cohesive voice for the land Point of View Farmlands to launch Horticulture Hub in Hastings Going with the grain Changing land uses to fit a changing landscape Wrights Vineyard Wins Big at Organic Awards, Championing Gisborne Sauvignon Blanc Enhancing Farm Safety: Innovative Solutions to Prevent Injuries Apple industry expects rebound despite cyclone damage From the Yard to the Milking Shed: New Technology Enhancing Dairy Farming Safety Hawke’s Bay growers and the changing face of orcharding We need regenerative agriculture, but how can farmers fund the transition Carbon Positive May Update Why Regenerative Farming Must Begin with Soil Health Regenerative Farming is Key to Fashion’s Sustainable Future Food cartels, do we really need them? RNZ interview Craigmore ‘collaborating with tech innovators’ Organic Dairy Conference highlights benefits of greater soil carbon Carbon Positive Project Update April 2024 Unveiling the Benefits - How Nestlé Shows, Not Tells, the Regenerative Revolution in Dairy Facing a challenge, a greener solution emerges Farmer Finds Harmony with Nature, Turns Dirt into Gold What’s happening out at Sea from the Napier Port The Story Behind Foxtrot Home - Passion, Farming, and Sustainable Homewares Exploring Regenerative Agriculture's Potential Through Seven Years of Scientific Inquiry Researchers issue a warning to take immediate action in enhancing agricultural resilience. Carbon Positive March Update Te Mata Estate rolls out new agro-ecological production system after four year trial, with excellent results Greencollar celebrates first harvest Birch Hill Station secures three accolades at the East Coast Ballance Farm Environment Awards Concerns persist among growers in Hawke's Bay regarding future challenges Awapai Triumph - Beamish Family's Sustainable Farming Excellence Recognized as Regional Supreme Winners Bostock Brothers' Organic Chicken Business Nears Acquisition by Ingham’s Hawke's Bay Chamber of Commerce Cyclone Recovery Fund - Now Open Mangaroa Farms - Cultivating Sustainability and Regenerative Agriculture in Whitemans Valley Preserving Hawke's Bay's Natural Treasure - Pan Pac's Commitment to Pakuratahi Bush Conservation Partnership with QEII Covenant Ensures the Protection of Unique Indigenous Forest. Wilmot Cattle Co's Soil Carbon Sequestration - A Profitable Venture or Short-Term Fix? Microsoft Deal Raises Questions about the Long-Term Viability of Soil Carbon Offsetting. Rebuilding farm infrastructure – opportunities for farmers Carbon Positive Project February Update Don’t dismiss soil’s carbon offset role The World's First 100% Electric, Zero Fossil Fuel Cherry Farm Mitigating Erosion Challenges: Strategies and Support in Hawke's Bay Support for HB Winegrowers available Transforming vineyard operations through the adoption of technology in winemaking Unlocking Soil Potential - Advocating for Credits in New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme for Carbon-Sequestering Farmers Michael Bassett Foss - Resilience for Hawke's Bay: Right Tree, Right Place - Land for Life Tim Sandall - Growing a Sustainable Future Together Dan Bloomer - Carbon positive intensive cropping project Steven Apfelbaum - An international perspective on soil carbon as a viable offset Peter Bruce-Iri - The importance of ruminant animals in the soil carbon cycle Mike Peterson - Aligning the Farm Environment to Market Realities James Palmer - A Government Perspective The Real Panel Discussion - Making money and working with nature Springhill Orchard "Our People" with Ben James Australia's lead in soil carbon credits - A climate action advantage New Zealand could embrace Congratulations Nicole Schon (The Worm Doctor) PGG Wrightson Seeds Significant Contribution Award at the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science. Carbon positive project Update Carbon Positive, McCains Global visit HBFFCT are seeking additional trustees Apply to become a HBFFCT Trustee Carbon Positive Micro-Farm Progress Tour Open fieldwalk – Wednesday 6 September (1pm - 3pm) – free registration via Eventbrite. Carbon Positive Project Update - Cover Crops Winter cover crops were planted in late April after sweetcorn was harvested HortPlus is a New Zealand-based agricultural technology HortPlus is a New Zealand-based agricultural technology firm who has been delivering digital solutions to the primary sector for over fifteen years. Fed up with the effects of repeated droughts, regenerative farming has 'worked wonders' for a Hawke's Bay farmer Stuff has published a great article on the regen ag learning experience out at Mike Hunsberger's 750ha sheep & beef farm, Karaka, out on Kahuranaki Road towards Elsthorpe. PAN PAC joins HBFFCT as a New Sponsor Pan Pac Forest Products is pleased to support Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust’s work to champion sustainable agriculture in Hawke's Bay. Minimising Cultivation The Carbon Positive project has been trialing commercial planting technologies that allow crops to be planted into soils with mulch cover. Soil Carbon Update The Carbon Positive project has now completed the first of six seasons and in this season grew sweetcorn for McCains, testing three different growing systems. Principles to guide farm recovery Growing the same stuff, the same way is not likely to be a viable future strategy. That's not a dictate of ideology, it's a reflection of trade realities and coming to terms with nature. EPODs - HB company develops disaster 'must have' EPODS (well-equipped 20 foot shipping containers) are purpose built for immediate recovery and care, to span the time gap between a disaster hitting an area and the arrival of first responders. Silt Recovery Taskforce update Huge silt recovery project underway. Could require removing 5-6 million cubic metres of silt, out of 12 million deposited. Carbon Positive project harvests corn We recently harvested our first trial crop, about 16 metric tonnes of sweetcorn, grown at the ‘MicroFarm’ of our project partner, LandWISE. Regional Recovery Board appointed Board sorting out what HB's recovery costs, paths and priorities will be. HB hort sector could face $3.5b loss by 2030. Wisewool Gisborne company developing high-end uses for wool. Organic products bill passed into law Organic producers like George Bostock praise new legislation, expected to ease overseas market access. Remote sensing technologies to watch Landcare Research presenting webinars on remote sensing tech uses in farming. Toward regenerative recovery Soil experts Phil Schofield and Phyllis Tichinin apply regenerative principles to soil recovery. New MPI guide on HB disaster recovery MPI has just published a very comprehensive guide on Cyclone Gabrielle recovery assistance. Farmstrong’s ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ Farmstrong’s core advice about maintaining farmer wellbeing reinforced by excellent new book. Dan Bloomer podcast on Carbon Positive project LandWISE's Dan Bloomer interviewed by rural podcast series, REX. Government Bill suspends RMA barriers to recovery work Severe Weather Emergency Legislation Bill is designed to expedite work required for immediate remediation of Gabrielle impacts. Trust's Carbon Positive project on track Carbon Positive test farm largely unaffected by Cyclone. Sweetcorn crop looking good. Advice for silt-affected farmers & growers Future Farming Trust’s soil consultant Phil Schofield talks sediment and revegetation. More on post-cyclone HB fruit situation Heavy losses, income streams disrupted, sources of help. Apple and grape damage in HB "Apple Horror" headlines Rural News, with nearly half of HB's orchards damaged. Recovery costs from cyclone Huge numbers thrown around, expecting Gov't cost to easily exceed Christchurch earthquake's $13 billion. Dealing with Gabrielle's silt Practical advice (LandWISE) and academic research (Science Media Centre) on dealing with silt. Cyclone Gabrielle Message from Trust Chair, Phil Schofield Trust announces $3m project in Hastings A six year Carbon Positive project, officially announced today, to investigate regenerative farming principles in NZ cropping systems. Led by Trust and LandWISE. HB's Tom O'Sullivan leads Campaign for Wool advocacy Campaign promotes high value end uses for strong wool. Year-round strawberry production in Clive Massive glasshouse production for export to Japan. Napier Port addresses climate change Napier Port releases second climate change related disclosure report. Will Foley appointed to HBRIC Board HBRIC’s investments are intended to be profit making, which would not rule out potential ag investments behind the farm gate aimed at improve farm profitability on a scalable basis. HBFFT report included in Regional Water Assessment Trust report informs HBRC's 50-year water assessment. HB apples ... boom or bust? Considering what the industry went through last season, and the poor weather thus far this season, some would question whether any optimism is warranted for the region’s growers. Bad numbers temper good Food exports up, but at what cost to farmers? Poplars instead of pines Ewan McGregor proposes a winning silvopasture strategy. From Australia, an excellent e-newsletter rounding-up research, trials and other pertinent information on regenerative farming practices and carbon farming. Napier Port explores green hydrogen solutions Our Port and its sustainability commitment is a critical part of our farm to plate story. Better beef genetics pilot comes to HB Patoka beef farmer selected for ‘Informing New Zealand Beef’ (INZB) programme. Attention HB orchardists Innovative weed control project launches in Motueka, why not HB? Te Mata Estate’s viticulture journey Look inside the process of changing iconic brand's viticulture systems. Future Farming Trust Annual Report - 2022 The Trust’s Annual Report for year ending 30 June 2022 now online. Your feedback is requested, please. The Trust’s newsletter team would appreciate your advice. Trust submits on soil carbon sequestration HB Future Farming Trust made a submission to MPI and MfE on their consultation on the future Emissions Trading Scheme. We focused entirely on awarding farmers credit for soil carbon sequestration. HB water decisions … drip, drip, drip! The complexity and controversiality of water policy decisions seem to guarantee a slow pace. Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers’ VINE initiative VINE (viticulture, innovation, networking, and excellence) group aims to identify and share best practices in vineyards. Meet Future Farming Trustee Scott Lawson Scott puts improving soil health as the highest farming priority. Pan Pac issues first sustainability report Forest products company 'walking the talk' on sustainability. Willie White joins Trust Board The Trust welcomes CHB organic dairy farmer as a Board member. Successful 'Regenerative Agriculture Curiosity Field Day' Here's core info from recent 'regen basics' field day the Trust co-sponsored More RSE workers, but will it be enough? Bay Blue's Marian Hirst discusses her company's experience wit the scheme Record moisture wreaks havoc on primary sector HB Fed Farmers' Jim Galloway talks about record rainfall impacts Video report on Springhill Orchard Take a look at the innovative approach of Springhill Orchard in CHB How the world sees NZ livestock emissions Eyes are on Massey University research on feed additive that reduces methane emissions. Regenerative Ag field day in HB - 6 October Satisfy your curiosity about regen agriculture and learn directly from HB region farmers. CHB's Springhill Orchard innovates We caught up with Ben James, Springhill Orchard business manager apples, for an update on progress. Although not yet at full production, the orchard is already exceeding its workforce predictions. Will Foley addresses HB water storage While technologies will create efficiencies, irrigation will always be required in the horticulture and arable sectors. Gov’t acts to protect highly productive land Good news for HB. National Policy Statement issued on protecting highly productive land. Meet your trustees – Phil Schofield "We should be encouraging soil carbon projects to provide farmers with evidence of the benefits of building soil health and consequently improving environmental outcomes for all." HB at centre of funding boost for Ag and Hort science in schools New programme to get more schools teaching agricultural and horticultural science and more students taking those subjects to be driven from Hawke's Bay. CHB’s Spring Fling dives into sustainable growing Foodscapes, described as an exposition festival, is showcasing sustainable growing and preserving, regenerative farming, and biodiversity over a weekend in late October. foodeast faces scale back and delays Craig Foss, chair of foodeast, the planned food innovation hub to be based in Hastings, is confident that the $20m project will achieve its vision, despite a scale back in the project. Heretaunga Soils Symposium The highly productive land of the Heretaunga Plains, their value to the wider economy, and threats to fertile soils and water resources were all explored at recent Hastings Soils Symposium. Meet your trustees – Liz Krawczyk I grew up in the little settlement of Mohaka about an hour north of Napier and once finished with my primary years at Mohaka School I went to Napier Girls High and was a boarder. O’Connor vs Oram on NZ agriculture The Grand Ballroom at Toitoi was filled last week to hear Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor and journalist Rod Oram discuss the future direction and challenges for NZ agriculture. HBRC forestry project launches Pilot aims to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of ‘Right Tree Right Place’ planting. Red meat: perceptions matter Red meat gets some positive press lately. Mark your calendar -- August 11 Here in Hastings, Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor and Rod Oram to discuss Future Farming with Climate Change. Looking for posts? Wood post suppliers are maxed out. Cow cuddling On the lighter side ... Cows are our friends! HDC becomes Future Farming Trust Sponsor Trust and HDC will collaborate on projects aimed at local farming/growing resilience. Matangi Angus Beef awarded Not for export, this premium beef from the Tukituki Valley, farmed sustainably, wows judges. WoolWorks on a mission to reduce emissions Awatoto wool scourer WoolWorks is on a mission to strip carbon from its business and improve the sustainability profile of New Zealand wool. Plant-based meat getting traction? Countdown reports demand for fresh meat alternatives has grown 20% in the past year. On farm inflation hits beef and lamb farmers Inflation hitting hard, but exports keep growing. Kabocha plant milk wins sixth international award Hawke's Bay-produced squash-based milk a hit in Asia. Dramatic drop in pipfruit crop estimate Hawke’s Bay’s expected crop down 15% on pre-season estimates. Video tells HB regen success story Video presents John Kamp's impressive regen dairy farming results. KAMP FARMS SHOW REGENERATIVE DAIRY FARMING BENEFITS KAMP FARMS SHOW REGENERATIVE DAIRY FARMING BENEFITS Farm input costs pinch profits High export prices are not necessarily translating into high farm profits. Trust's take on Gov't Emissions Reduction Plan We are disappointed the Gov't ERP broke no new ground regarding regenerative agriculture practices. Want to join 'Good Farmers'? Marketing collective unites artisan food brands. Healthier soils absorb and hold more water HB Future Farming trustee and soil scientist Phil Schofield recently completed for HBRC a desktop analysis of worldwide research on the capacity of healthier soils to absorb and hold rainwater. Giving the soil an MRI Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the US have developed a new method for measuring carbon stored in the soil by plants and microbes, without taking soil samples. What bioacoustics can tell us about soil health Soil biologists will tell you that the ground beneath our feet is home to more life, with more diversity than almost any other place on earth. One cup of dirt can yield up to 100 million life forms. Almonds feasible for HB? A $100,000 study is underway in Hawke's Bay to investigate the feasibility of a New Zealand almond industry. Horticultural Hub boosted in Wairoa Rex Graham, the former chair of Hawke’s Bay Regional Council is pleased to see further progress in developing the horticultural potential of Wairoa, particularly on Maori land. Wool pillows ... invented in CHB Maven of the wool industry Philippa Wright has been blown away by the success of her new business venture, Wright Wool Pillows. War hits fertiliser prices, local supplies OK With Russia, a major exporter of fertilizer, stopping its exports, global prices and supplies are suffering. Impressive Lincoln Dairy Farm results Hawke’s Bay doesn’t have heaps of dairying, but the operators we do have should be impressed with these environmental and productivity improvements at LUDF. Future Whenua Summit You are invited to the Future Whenua Summit at Mangarara Station, CHB, 25th to 27th of March. This gathering will shine a light on progressive concepts about the future of land use and growing food. Adapting farming to climate change We know Kiwi farmers are wary of advice coming from overseas, but here’s an intelligent interview with the director of the Purdue University Climate Change Research Center, located in America’s farmin Napier Port on track to manage seasonal peak Napier Port is on track to manage the region’s seasonal peak, and so far it is managing its Covid-19 response very well. Trust welcomes new sponsors Bayleys Country and Napier Port get behind HB Future Farming New book on NZ soils 'Soils of Aotearoa New Zealand' aims to be the authoritative technical text. Soil carbon field day Great turnout at John Kamp's comparison farms Promoting on-farm climate resilience Healthier soil means better water retention Measuring the 'voice' of the soil Electric currents in soil signal soil health Greg Hart steps down Greg steps down to focus on Mangarara Farm Farming soil carbon field day - Patoka Learn results from dairy farmer John Kamp's regenerative practices. Tim Aitken joins Trust Board Tim Aitken, much awarded CHB farmer, District councillor and current chair of Horse of the Year HB, has joined the HB Future Farming Trust Board. Farming for a Successful Future The Trust is pleased to be a sponsor of ‘Farming for a Successful Future’, an all-day workshop on sustainable farming organised by Farm Nutrient Advisory, Ltd. Soil carbon update Regen practices yielding more soil carbon on HB dairy farm. HB Future Farming Trust Annual Report available Here is our 2021-2022 Annual Report Presentations on building more productive soil and soil carbon The Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust is sponsoring three presentations offering an introduction to alternative pasture and grazing systems that can regenerate better soils and build soil carbon on your farm. Dave France appointed Project Manager for HB Future Farming Trust The Trustees are pleased to announce that Dave France has come aboard as project manager to shepherd a number of key project proposals toward Government funding. MPI's Regenerative Agriculture white paper Gwen Grelet and Sam Lang have prepared an extensive white paper for MPI -- Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa New Zealand -- research pathways to build science-based evidence and national narratives Rodale Soil Carbon White Paper If carbon sequestration rates attained by exemplary cases were achieved on crop and pastureland across the globe, regenerative agriculture would sequester more than our current annual carbon CHB Mail publishes on grazing workshop The 10 Sep CHB Mail published a full account of Siobhan Griffin's ‘Next Level Grazing’ workshop, which HB Future Farming Trust sponsored (alongside another in Sherenden). Regenerative Grazing Presentations – Hawke’s Bay -- Aug 24-25, 2020 Sponsored by the Hawke’s Bay Future Farming Trust. Take your grazing practices to the next level. Achieve more pasture growth and better soils. Siobhan Griffin of ‘Next Level Grazing’ will be making a Carbon-neutral dairy farming isn’t just sustainable, it’s more profitable too Prem Maan from Southern Pastures [As written for The Spinoff, 21 May 2020] The Covid-19 crisis has shown us what can be achieved in New Zealand if we work towards a common goal rather than wholly directed by self-interest. A message on the Hawke's Bay drought from Trustee and CHB farmer Will Foley Farming in the summer dry environment is not new to Hawke’s Bay, but this year is unprecedented in the severity and length of the drought. I know firsthand the stress our farmers and their farming sys Greg Hart Looks ahead to 2030 The sun sets on another beautiful autumn day at Mangarara – The Family Farm, near the thriving community of Elsthorpe in Hawke’s Bay. It’s early April 2030 and I am reflecting on the last decade since the Covid-19 virus changed the world for good.